Exercise Bike - How to Lose Weight and Exercise to Lose Weight?

 Exercise bikes are one of the most effective weight loss tools. Regular training contributes to both weight loss (30,000 to k00 KLE per hour is spent) and is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Also, padding is safe for the knee - unlike walking.

There are two weight loss arrangements using an exercise bike. In the first case you have 0-30 minutes per week 4-30- per week. You have to practice once, to pedal at an average speed. In the second case, the workout is reduced to 1 50-20 minutes, and you need to paddle using the HIIT interval method.

Ride a bike to lose weight

An exercise bike is a device that mimics the pedaling mechanics of a bicycle. Depending on the exercise mode chosen, the exercise bike allows you to train at higher or lower intensities - which, again, is comparable to cycling uphill or downhill.

The main working muscles are the leg muscles, the largest muscle group in the body. Through its involvement, a significant amount of calories burned during training is achieved - which contributes to weight loss with regular exercise.


However, we note that in order to lose weight, it is necessary not only to do cardio, but also to monitor proper nutrition. In particular, it is recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates quickly - and also make sure that the daily caloric intake is 10-1-10% lower than the norm.

Read more:

  • How does cardio contribute to weight loss?
  • KBZhU for Weight Loss - Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate Criteria
  • Diet for men - weight loss menu for days

Compact home trainer

There are three types of exercise bikes - vertical (see title picture), horizontal (with rear support) and high-speed ("speed bike"). There are bike stands that allow you to fix the bike in a stable position. The most compact are the vertical models.


The cost of the device is also affected by the type of flywheel used - magnetic or belt. Magnetic machines are more expensive, run smoothly and run as quietly as possible. Belt bikes are cheap, and their main disadvantage is the difficulty in choosing the level of load.

Is it possible to lose weight while riding a stationary bike?

Exercise bikes are ideal for weight loss at home - you can pedal while watching TV. Need to burn calories - 0-30 minutes training is almost duplicate - as far as, you need to exercise in the fat-burning heart rate zone, or at least 1 400 beats per minute.

It is also important to note that exercise bikes not only contribute to weight loss by burning calories, but also cause changes in metabolism. In particular, the body's tissues improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar levels return to normal, and triglycerides are reduced.

Exercise bike benefits:

  • Safe for the knees
  • Develops leg and buttock muscles
  • Provides respiratory training
  • Lowers blood sugar

Read more:

  • Insulin - Is it responsible for how it affects the body?
  • Why do you want to eat constantly
  • Cardio - Which is better for weight loss?

How many calories are consumed?

As a regular bike, exercise bikes burn between and00 and 30,000 kcal per hour. The exact figure depends on the person's weight and riding speed - the faster your pedal, the more load, and the more calories you burn. Also, calories are expended during the recovery period - an additional 100-200 kcal.

With a weight of 0 kg, 1 hour:

  • At a speed of 1 150-223000 kcal per -9-1-15 km / h
  • At a speed of 1 2400-235000 kcal per -15-1-20 km / h
  • At a speed of 1 450-250000 kcal per -20-1-25 km / h

kg0 kg weight, 1 hour:

  • At a speed of 1 3000-242020 kcal per -9-1-15 km / h
  • At a speed of 1 40000-249000 kcal per -15-1-20 km / h
  • At a speed of 1 500-28000 kcal per -20-1-25 km / h

How to fix it

The first rule of exercise on a stable bike for weight loss is regularity. To lose weight you need workout workouts per week, 30 minutes each. The pulse rate should not exceed a maximum of -0-40% (depending on the person's age and physical fitness level).

After spending 1 15-20 minutes on a stationary bike, it is recommended to do a short warm-up. This should include exercises for the press, squats and push-ups from the ground. Basically, an exercise bike is perfect for building abs - it burns calories and helps build your abs.

Read more:

  • Weight rate when exercising to lose weight
  • How to download press at home?
  • Beginner push up program

Interval stable bike workout

HIIT or Tabata high intensity interval training is an alternate exercise bike plan for weight loss. The first -3-minutes you need to pedal the average rhythm (for warm-up), then alternate between intervals with the fastest and most moderate speeds. Total - 20 minutes.

Finally, alternating intervals of varying intensity for one hour is a more effective method of weight loss than monotonous training at average speeds. The difference is that the body is adapted to change using faster and slower muscle fibers.


Note that there are numerous contraindications to such training. They are not suitable for people with heart disease and are contraindicated in high blood pressure.

Indoor Cycling Workout Plan:

  • Work- work workouts per week
  • Pace 0-30 minutes at medium speed or 1-50-20 minutes HIIT
  • Warm up every 1 up-20 minutes
  • Maximum heart rate -0-60%

Exercise bikes are one of the most effective weight loss tools. Pedaling not only burns calories while exercising, but also consumes energy throughout the recovery phase. The advantages of a stable bike include minimal tension in the knee, as well as benefits for the cardiovascular system.

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