Does itching in the scalp occur after shampooing? Find out why

 Most people think that dandruff causes itching in the scalp while it does not. There are a variety of causes for this; please let us know what they are.

If there is always itching in the scalp, then it must be resolved. Dandruff is usually the most common cause of scalp itching, but sometimes there are other causes as well.

 Frequent itching in summer not only weakens the hair follicles but also causes the problem of scarring. On the other hand, even after washing the hair, there is itching in the scalp, so it is also important to identify the problem, so that you can treat it at the right time.

Let us tell you that we try many different home remedies for healthy scalp. However it is very important that you find out about your problem before treatment. Let us know the major things that can cause itching in the scalp.

Allergic reactions

There can be any reason behind an allergic reaction. Such as hair dye, oil product, or using the wrong shampoo. If you do hair dye then keep complete information of that product. At the same time, shampoo is also a chemical product.

 In this case, take care of whether your hair is healthy as well as whether it is suitable to keep the scalp healthy or not. Speaking of kitchen ingredients i.e. oil and other things, even if they are natural, it is not necessarily healthy for your scalp.

 While some people use detergent and soap to wash their hair which is quite harmful. So take special care of the scalp along with the hair and use the same protex which helps in keeping the scalp healthy.

Take care of hygiene

In summer, sweat comes not only from the body but also from the hair. Excessive heat causes sweating in the scalp, which also causes itching.

 Sweating in the scalp causes dust to accumulate, which also makes the hair dirty. As a result, it is critical to wash your hair on a regular basis.

 Also keep your hair open instead of tying it tight all the time. Not only that, but you can weld with the help of fire. Do not tie your hair tightly in a humid place.

There may be symptoms of skin disorder

Sometimes itching in the scalp can also be a problem of skin disorder. Contact a specialist immediately if you notice eczema, allergies or other problems. In a few days of treatment you can recover.

 Although many times we also try home remedies to get rid of these problems, such as aloe vera gel, essential oil, etc., but instead of recovering, if it is increasing, contact a doctor immediately.

Dry scalp

Dry scalp is a problem for most people, using more shampoo. Sometimes the weather, dead skin and sitting in an AC room also causes itching in the scalp.

 To prevent itching in the scalp, you have to use a scarf, cap or other similar things. Also use sulfate free shampoo, it will not remove natural oil from your scalp.

 Only use natural oils such as coconut and olive oil. Be sure to exfoliate your scalp once a week, for which you can use brown sugar.

More use of styling tools

With the help of styling tools you can make your hair beautiful, it changes your look. However, using more hair styling tools causes itching in the scalp.

 If you use a product while styling, avoid doing so. It blocks the hair follicles, causing itching. Tight styling your hair or extensions creates tension in the scalp, which also causes the problem of itching. So you have to stop carrying styling tools and different hairstyles.

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