Sexual health for men / Sexuality for Men

 Sexual activity may be a major concern for men with paralysis. Men are curious to know if they are still "just as capable" or if sexual pleasure is a thing of the past.

 They are worried that they will no longer be able to be the father of the children, that their spouses will find them unattractive, that the spouse will leave them by tying their sack-bed.

it's true that men often experience changes in their relationships and sexual intercourse after an illness or injury. Of course, emotional changes do occur and these changes can affect a person's sexuality.

It is important to note that healthy sexuality is associated not only with genital contact but also with passion, affection and love. Nevertheless, advanced penis and orgasm are issues of paramount importance after paralysis.

 There are usually two sorts of male erectile dysfunction in men. Psychogenic erectile dysfunction arises from pruritus scenes or thoughts and depends on the level and extent of the paralysis. Men with complete paralysis often do not have psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

 Reflex erectile dysfunction is caused by direct contact with the penis or other aphrodisiacs (ears, teats, neck). Most men with paralysis are able to erectile dysfunction provided the sacral region (S2-S4) is not damaged.

Orgasm after paralysis is possible for some men but it is not often as often defined. It can be less physical, less focused on the genitals and more state of mind. It is important to know that arousal does not make the loss of sexuality impossible.

While many men with paralysis still "get erectile dysfunction", erectile dysfunction is not severe or long lasting. Numerous treatments (tablets, tablets, needles and implants) are available to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).

The best clinical treatment for erectile dysfunction is Viagra (Sildenafil), which improves erectile quality and sexual activity in many paraplegic men.

 There is some clinical evidence that paralyzed men benefit from Viagra. Men with high vital sign (high or low) or vascular disease should avoid this drug. Other new drugs that claim to outperform Viagra include Cialis and Levitra.

They are a panacea for paralyzed men but no clinical data are available. Another alternative to erectile dysfunction is to inject drugs (papaverine or alprostadil) into the penis stem. This causes severe erectile dysfunction that can last for an hour or more.

 Warning: These drugs can result in prepism, a long-lasting erection that can damage the penis. Injections can also cause erectile dysfunction, scare, or infection and may not be the best option for a person with limited hand activation.

Medicated urinary suppositories are an alternative choice . The drug pellet (containing alprostadil) is placed in the urethra, which loosens the blood vessels and fills the penis with blood. It may be an option for 30 to 40 percent of men who are not affected by Viagra.

Vacuum pump is a non-surgical, non-medicated method of bringing erection. The penis is placed in a plastic cylinder, when air is expelled the blood enters the penis. Stiffness is maintained by placing an elastic band around the base of the penis.

 This produces a bluish-looking erection that can feel cold to the touch. Be sure to remove the band after 30 minutes to avoid stretching the skin. Medicare and insurance companies often pay for these devices, including the best battery-powered models for people with limited hand activation (although you'll need to get a doctor's prescription).

Penile prosthesis (a semi-rigid or flexible rod or pneumatic device) is another option but as it is of permanent type and involves surgery, it is more risky for complications than other options. Surgery can cause bleeding, infection, or an allergic reaction to anesthesia.

 A regular outpatient procedure requires a period of 4 to eight weeks of recovery before implantation. Units with more complex air in particular can work incorrectly or be damaged on their own.

Ejaculation and fertility are also major issues that paralyzed people face. Men want to know if I can still be a father? Ejaculation is not always possible but there are ways to get capable sperm. Vibrators are an inexpensive and reliable tool for ejaculation at home or in clinical settings.

 Rectal probe electroisculation is an option if the vibratory method is not successful (albeit in a clinic with several technicians around). Rectal Probe A probe is placed in the rectum in electroisculation, and a controlled electrical stimulation produces ejaculation.

 Once the sperm are collected, they can be used in a variety of methods of artificial insemination, including test tube techniques and micromanipulation.

 The sperm obtained many times are healthy but they do not have quality and are not hard enough to penetrate the egg. Sperm need some high-tech support due to their reduced mobility.

 The recent development of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which involves direct injection of mature sperm alone into the ovary (egg), can often cause fertilization. There are many success stories but high-tech-assisted reproduction is not entirely certain. This can be an emotionally disturbing and quite expensive option. Get facts and treatment options from an experienced geneticist in cases of paralysis.

Some couples suffering from infertility have successfully used donor sperm (from sperm bank) to make a woman pregnant. The couple may want to try out the admirable options available for adopting children.

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